In the enchanting world of gemstones and crystals, each birth month carries its unique essence and symbolism. From the fiery passion of rose quartz to the serene wisdom of sodalite, these gems hold profound meanings that resonate with individuals born in each respective month. One delightful way to explore and embrace these symbolic treasures is through the captivating art of Gemtrees, available at

Gemtrees, intricately crafted by Nathalie, are miniature trees adorned with gemstones instead of leaves, set on stunning rocks or crystals. These exquisite creations not only add a touch of natural beauty to any space but also offer a deep connection to the owners’s birth month and its symbolic meanings.

Let’s embark on a journey through the months, discovering the gemstones that adorn each Gemtree and unraveling their symbolic depths as presented on

GARNET is good for crisis times, strengthens survival instinct. (Red-Jan)

AMETHYST increases female energy, calms nerves, good for headaches, gives courage, peace, protection, and tranquillity. (Purple-Feb)

BERYL AQUAMARINE enhances courage, relieves stress, calms the mind, and strengthens the pulmonary and circulatory systems, and a sedative stone. (Light blue-March)

ROCK CRYSTAL is the most curative all-rounder, good for the heart, back, dizziness and tiredness. (Transparent-April)

AVENTURINE defuses negative situations. Good for skin infections, relaxes and eases cramps. (Green-May)

BLUE LACE soft energy that cools & calms throat area. Removes blockages from nervous system. Sooths neck & shoulder area. (Pale blue-June)

CARNELIAN helps digestion, good for diabetics, calms fever and nightmares. Also is recommended for infertility and impotency. (Orange-July)

MOSS AGATE refreshes the soul, stone of new beginnings. Speeds up recovery from long term illnesses anti-inflammatory properties. (Green-Aug)

SODALITE good for high blood pressure, increases vision and memory. Cleans lymphatic system, strengthens metabolism. (Dark blue-Sept)

ROSE QUARTZ gets rid of depression and stimulates feelings of love and passion. Encourages clear complexion, prevents wrinkles. (Pink-Oct)

CITRINE excellent for the nervous, helps concentration, increases male energy. Good for colon and gallbladder. Stone of abundance. (Yellow-Nov)

TURQUESITE gets rid of bad luck and helps your dreams come true. Heals the eyes also reduces gout, rheumatism, and excess acidity. (Aqua blue- Dec)

At, you have the freedom to choose your Gemtree based on your birthstone, creating a personalized and meaningful connection to your birth month’s symbolism.

Moreover, you can opt for a family tree that incorporates the birthstones of all family members, symbolizing unity and shared heritage in a beautiful and tangible way.

Additionally, we can blend your birthstone with other gemstones known for their specific meanings and benefits, tailored to your current needs and aspirations. This unique combination allows you to carry the energies and qualities of these gemstones with you on your life’s journey.

Experience the power of personalized gemstone symbolism with, where every tree tells a story as unique as you are.

May you find as much joy in these Gemtrees and their exquisite beauty as I do in crafting them for each and every one of you

With love,

Nathalie xx