I do get asked this a lot and I always say, and I feel they are a bit like a plant, it will find its place in your home, office, meditaion space , try a few different spots to see how you enjoy it. Here are some suggestions

Natural Light: Place your crystal tree near a window to catch natural sunlight, enhancing its sparkle. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent damage. I also like a gemtree in a place where it will catch the lighting of the room.

Energy Flow: Position the tree in areas where you want to boost positive energy flow, like entryways, living rooms, or meditation spaces.

Intention Setting: Align the tree’s placement with your intentions; for abundance, place it in your office or wealth corner.

Altar or Sacred Space: Amplify the tree’s significance by placing it on your altar or sacred space, enhancing meditation or rituals.

Balance and Harmony: Ensure the tree contributes to the overall balance and harmony of your space, avoiding cluttered or chaotic areas.

Personal Preference: Trust your intuition and preferences when choosing the tree’s placement, experimenting to find the most harmonious location.

Avoid High-Traffic Areas: Protect the delicate tree by avoiding high-traffic areas where it might be knocked over accidentally.